Should I do a Hypnobirthing course?

March 5, 2023

Expecting a baby? Looking into Antenatal Education?

I remember when I was pregnant with my first. Everything felt a bit daunting… and one of those things was whether I should be doing an antenatal course.

There were so many expenses at the time and the uncertainty of how our financial life would be after the baby, was a big concern. I remember thinking how we were going to be able to afford me taking a year out of work! Let alone the nursery fees.

The idea of adding an extra expense to our already very long list of outgoings, was simply too much for me.


I know that I am not alone…


However, investing in a good antenatal programme can make all the difference to your birthing experience. And the truth is that you will never forget how you birthed you baby…. Ever!!!

I used to think that preparing for birth was a bit like preparing for an exam… However, when you finish an exam, you get to relax and move on… It’s not the same as when you give birth, because after you bring a baby into this world, a new life begins.

In fact, the way you birth your baby will affect your recovery (mentally and physically), how you bond with your baby and your partner as you will both change after you become parents.

Hypnobirthing can truly make a difference to your birthing experience. Hypnobirthing aims to help a woman deal with any fear or anxiety she may have around birth. It involves various relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques to help relax the body before and during labour and birth.

The true value of a Hypnobirthing is course is losing the fear of birth.
Remaining calm during labour can be very beneficial because:
1. Your muscles are able to relax and in turn birth your baby quicker and easier.


2. Your body is able to produce the right hormonal balance to speed up labour, keep your baby calm and oxygenated, and make it less painful.


3. When you are calm and in control you can deal better with eventualities and ask the right questions to make informed decisions.


During a hypnobirthing course you will learn:

• The body & mind connection.

• How you experience pain in the body.

• Tools to help you remain calm and experience less discomfort during labour such as breathing techniques, self-hypnosis and soothing massage techniques.

• Birth partner support.

• Experience Hypnosis sessions to change outdated beliefs about labour and birth.

• Learn how your body works.

• And much more!!

Hypnobirthing is a complete birth preparation programme meaning that you don’t need to do another programme on top.

By doing a Hypnobirthing course you should feel prepared and excited about labour.

Hypnobirthing techniques can be used for ANY type of birth.

Still debating whether or not to invest in a Hypnobirthing course?

I would say… Go for it!! It’s totally worth it x

Would you like to learn more? Have a look at the other articles on my blog.

Ready to start your Hypnobirthing journey? Have a look at the courses available on this link.

I am around if you need an extra hand, simply contact me to get started.

Maria x

I recommend this article to read further about Hypnobirthing.

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