
Should I do a Hypnobirthing course?

Should I do a Hypnobirthing course?

Expecting a baby? Looking into Antenatal Education? I remember when I was pregnant with my first. Everything felt a bit daunting… and one of those things was whether I should be doing an antenatal course. There were so many expenses at the time and the uncertainty of...

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Birthing Ball: A Must in Your Pregnancy Journey

Birthing Ball: A Must in Your Pregnancy Journey

Birthing Balls are a must in pregnancy and birth. They come packed with benefits and can truly make a difference to your birthing experience. They are one of my favourite pieces of equipment and the one I recommend to all expecting mums in my courses. What are the...

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Birthing your baby at home

Birthing your baby at home

Are you thinking of birthing your baby at home and don’t know where to start? This article includes all the information that you need to know to begin your Hypnobirthing home birth journey. Many women living in the UK prefer having a home birth to a hospital one...

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How to stay on top of your hypnobirthing practice

How to stay on top of your hypnobirthing practice

I have finished my course! … Now what do I do? After your hypnobirthing course, practicing what you have learnt is key to the success of the programme. Here are some tips to keep the momentum going and becoming an expert in relaxation. 1. A little goes a long way in...

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